At Fenix Center, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to care and treatment. That's why we are committed to providing personalized support and attention tailored specifically to you and your unique needs. When you visit us, we will work together to find the best possible solution for you. Rest assured, our approach incorporates the latest methods, state-of-the-art devices, and cutting-edge technologies to ensure you receive the highest quality of care. Come and experience the difference for yourself.
Fenix treatment

If you need to reduce tension, feel relief, regain strength and recharge yourself with new energy, the Fenix treatment is the right thing for you. We designed it at the Center as a unique combination of the best methods of chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy. You don't have to come with a specific problem - additionally customized just for you, this treatment will surprise you with the results.
Quick fix Fenix treatment

Do you spend too much time sitting or at the computer? Sometimes you just need a little help to relax and "reboot"? We designed the quick fix treatment based on our experience with clients from the corporate world - it is a combination of manual techniques from chiropractic and osteopathy, with an additional dry needling treatment. You will feel relief after 30 minutes.

Sometimes your body just needs a little help, and it will heal itself.
We all know chiropractic as the manual adjustment of the spine, vertebrae, large and small joints and soft tissues. Her manipulations remove disorders in the structure of your body (neuro-muscular-bone system) that hinder or prevent normal functioning. In other words, they return things to their natural position and remove the block. After that, the body can begin to heal itself.
Chiropractic is a recognized integrative treatment. When it is carried out in a professional medical manner, it is absolutely safe - as for example here at the Fenix Center. We carry out the manipulations very gently and adapt them to each specific person. At the same time, we are constantly improving ourselves with new knowledge from all over the world. With us you are completely safe.
Osteopathy - for a body in balance

Osteopathy is the most modern type of manual therapy (hand therapy) which is based on the principle that the general health of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together, in balance. When this balance is disturbed, pathological processes begin, accompanied by pain, reduced function, inability to move and work... Ultimately, your overall physical and mental health suffers.
Osteopathy brings your body back into balance, without drugs or surgery. Even more important, it is an excellent prevention - a way to prevent the disease from occurring. Osteopathy successfully treats:
headaches and dizziness,
circulation problems
pathological distortions of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis)
pathological joint positions (X and O legs, lowered feet)
Physical therapy

Most of us today live with too little movement, with prolonged sitting, a lot of stress... And this leads to stiffness, swelling and pain. Physical therapy and its techniques (mechanical, heat, sound, magnetic) restore our freedom of movement, reduce and eliminate pain, help us avoid surgeries and use too many drugs, prevent sports and other injuries and facilitate numerous chronic conditions or recovery.
For every physical procedure, in addition to indications, there are also contraindications. That's why we pay special attention to each client, and with our knowledge and experience we come up with therapy that will help you as much as possible.
Massage - Revitalize and maintain your health

Massage is one of the simplest and oldest methods of treatment. Human touch, in this case therapeutic, is healing on many different levels.
There are many different techniques. Sports massage helps athletes during preparation, but also preventively. There are techniques that significantly help after injuries or speed up recovery after surgery. Finally, given the pace of life today, massage is sometimes there to simply relax us, remove chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety and stress. Therefore - it is disease prevention.
In the Fenix center, we also apply therapeutic massage in the treatment of injuries and diseases of tissues or organs, with excellent results in acute and chronic pain in muscles and joints, and especially in pain in the lumbar and cervical spine.
Dry needling

Dry needling is an acupuncture technique that reduces pain and tension in "trigger" points on painful and tense muscles and tendons. Those points are a set of tense muscle fibers that have lost the ability to relax, so it is necessary to mechanically relax them. When touched, these places feel like a painful knot, and it is not possible to act on them with massage or physical therapy. They are most common on the shoulders, neck and lower back.
Dry needling is a very safe, fast and effective technique, and we at the Fenix center successfully combine it with other procedures. It is performed using disposable acupuncture needles, which "break" painful zones.
Shockwave – therapy with radial waves

Radial wave therapy is a modern, non-invasive solution for pain in the musculoskeletal system. It is often used in physical therapy, orthopedics and sports medicine, because it restores mobility very quickly, and the percentage of success is very high. It effectively removes calcium deposits, leads to better blood circulation and regenerates tissue. One treatment lasts a few minutes, and the effects are cumulative, so the best results are achieved by repeating it once or twice a week. The number of treatments is individual.
Shockwave therapy is used in:
Achilles tendonitis
tennis elbow
heel spur
plantar fasciitis
carpal tunnel
jumping knee
calcifications in ligaments, tendons and muscles
There are also contraindications, so this treatment is not for everyone. The application of radial waves is not recommended in the vicinity of certain tissues, as well as in children, pregnant women and in certain conditions, diseases and disorders (polyneuropathy, acute inflammation, thrombosis, tumors...).
Anatomical (orthopedic) insoles

With us, you can have an examination and determine whether you need orthopedic insoles for the correction of various foot deformities. The role of these insoles is to distribute the load evenly, relieve the points of greatest pressure and provide support to the foot. Their correct and timely use, along with possible exercises, is an excellent prevention for a whole range of problems.
If we determine that you need insoles, we will refer you to a foot scan, after which we will clearly see which ones you need - corrective, anatomical or sports.
Innovative thermotherapy - Tecar therapy

Tecar therapy is a heat therapy that very quickly reduces pain, relaxes muscles, reduces swelling, restores tissue and relieves inflammation. This innovative technology (radiofrequency wave therapy) accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level and stimulates natural self-healing processes - it penetrates precisely and deeply into the tissue and is extremely effective in severe joint, muscle and tendon injuries.
Here at the Fenix Center, trained therapists apply Tecar therapy in combination with other treatments and methods, so that you can return to your daily activities as soon as possible. This type of thermotherapy gives the best results in:
Sports injuries
Post-operative recovery
Rehabilitation of the pelvic floor
Disorders of the spine and peripheral joints
Disorders of muscle tissue and tendons
... as with many other conditions and injuries.
HILT laser

HILT laser therapy (High Intensity Laser Therapy) is a painless and non-invasive treatment that blocks pain in soft tissues and joints almost immediately. It is a high-power laser that raises this type of therapy to a new level - the treatment time is shorter, the depth of penetration is greater and the effects are better, with prolonged action. HILT technology is used to treat:
Supraspinatus syndrome, tendinitis of the shoulder joint, rotator cuff injuries
Epicondylitis (radial/ulnar)
Knee arthritis
Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis
Osteoarthritis, disc herniation and bursitis
... as well as many other painful and inflammatory conditions.
There are also contraindications (pregnancy, epilepsy, bone growth zones in children, pacemaker, tattoos at the application site, bleeding and tendency to bleed, tumors, acute thrombophlebitis) so this treatment is unfortunately not for everyone.